The Author: Dr. Woodrow Monte

Woodrow C. Monte, Ph.D.
470 South Rainbow Drive
Page, Arizona
Academic Preparation:
1979 Ph.D. - Food Science and Nutrition, Colorado State University
1975 M.S. - Food Science and Nutrition, Colorado StateUniversity
1967 B.S. - Major: Biology; Minor: Microbiology, New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology, President of the Student Body.
Employment History :
Present Professor Emeritus of Food Science and Nutrition, Arizona State University
1979-2004 Professor of Food Science, Department of Nutrition, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona
1990-95 Courtesy Professor of Food Science, Department of Food Science and Technology, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. (Summer Terms)
1981-90 Director, Food Science and Nutrition Laboratories, ArizonaStateUniversity
Duties: Direct all research and teaching activities, supervise technical and clerical staff, develop funding sources and coordinate university and industrial activities.
1979-84 Director Dietetic Program, ArizonaStateUniversity
Duties: Coordinate course work, advisement and competency requirements for the American Dietetic Association approved program, 150 undergraduates. One of only programs throughout the United States approved for all emphasis areas of Dietetics; General, Management, Clinical and Community.
1976-79 Assistant Professor of Foods and Nutrition, Central Washington, University Ellensburg, Washington
Dietitian for the StudentHealthCenterHospital (1978-1979).
1975-76 Municipal Judge Wellington, Colorado
Duties: Serve as presiding magistrate/ revise court system procedures and policies to conform to state statutes/ supervise court clerk, bailiff.
1974-76 Director of Rehabilitation Wellington Urban Renewal Authority, Wellington, Colorado
Duties: Writing of grant proposals to the Department of Housing and Urban Development/ supervision of all rehabilitation projects, employees and contractors.
1973-74 Trustee Wellington, Colorado
Duties: Serve as a voting member of the town council. Responsibilities included organizing efforts to procure federal funding. Smallest city in the Nation to receive a Department of Housing and Urban Development Urban Renewal Grant.
1971-73 Director of Research and Quality Control E.B. Millar Coffee Company
3275 Denargo Street, Denver, Colorado80217Duties: Supervise Research and Quality Control Laboratory and staff/ product development/ process improvement/ packaging modifications.
1972-73 Research Assistant, Under Joseph Maga, Ph.D. Department of Food Science and Nutrition, Colorado State University (Flavor Chemistry, Antioxidant Research)
1969-71 Instructor, Department of Biological Science, ColoradoAcademy (Prep. School) Englewood, Colorado
Here I developed an underwater laboratory with funds I solicited from the Readers Digest Foundation and the Louis Polk Foundation. This facility achieved some national recognition. My Students convinced the US Geological Survey to call the pond Woody’s Pond..
Selected Publications:
Monte WC. Methanol: A chemical Trojan horse as the root of the inscrutable U. Med Hypotheses 2010 74 (3): 493-96.
Monte WC. Bittersweet: Aspartame Breast Cancer Link. Fitness Life 2008 Feb. 34: 21-22
Monte WC. A Deadly Experiment. Methanol and MS, Fitness Life 2007 Dec. 34: 36-41
Monte WC. Sickly Sweet: Is your Diet Sweetener killing you? Fitness Life 2007 Nov. 33: 31-33
Johnston CS. Monte WC. Infant formula ingestion is associated with the development of diabetes in the BB/Wor rat. Life Sciences 2000 66:1501-1507.
Leventhal E, ... Monte WC. Composition and Preliminary Evaluation of a Hydrolyzed Rice-Based Oral Rehydration Solution for the Treatment of Acute Diarrhea in Children Journal of the AmericanCollege of Nutrition, 1995 14: 3
Lebenthal E, ...,Monte WC. Thermophilic Amylase-Digested Rice-Electrolyte Solution in the Treatment of Acute Diarrhea in Children Pediatrics,1995,95-2:198-202.
Winston D, Boatwright D, Gustafson D,Monte WC, Dudrick S. Newly Developed Tube Feeding Formula. Journal of the AmericanCollege of Nutrition, 1994,13-5:528
Johnston CS, Monte WC, Bolton RS, Chard MH. A Comparison of L.Ascorbyl 6-Palmitate Utilization in Guinea Pigs and Humans. Nurtition Research, 1994,14:1465-1471.
Winston D, Boatwright D, Gustafson D,Monte WC, Dudrick S. Newly Developed Tube Feeding Formula is Antimicrobial Clinical Research, 1994 42:448
Monte WC, Johnston CS, Roll LE. Bovine serum albumin detected in infant formula is a possible trigger for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 1994;94:314-316.
Monte WC, Glanzman D. and Johnston CS. 1990. Methanol as a Model Etiologic Agent in Multiple Sclerosis. FASEB 74th annual meeting Feb 26;4(3):A
Filsinger,E.E., Braun, J.J., Monte, W.C. Sex Differences in Response to the Odor of Alpha Androstenone . Perceptual and Motor Skills,70:216-218 1990
Monte, W.C. and Ashoor, S.H. HPLC Method for the Differentiation of Various Meat Proteins in Food Products. Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 71:4-9 1988.
Hoque M, Monte WC, and Johnston CS. 1988. Methanol Neuropathy A Histological Study on Long-Evans Rats. FASEB J 25;2(6):A513
Filsinger, E.E., Monte, W.C. Sex History, Menstrual Cycle, and Psychophysical Ratings of Alpha Androstenone, A possible Human Sex Pheromone. The Journal of Sex Research, 22:(2)243-248 1986.
Filsinger,E.E., Braun, J.J., Monte, W.C. An Examination of the Effects of Putative Pheromones on Human Judgments. Ethology and Sociobiology. 6:227-236 1985.
Monte W.C. Caffeine Content of Selected Soft Drinks. Ashoor S.H. Journal of Applied Nutrition. 37:(1)43-45 1985.
Filsinger,E.E., Braun,J. J., Monte, W.C., Linder, D.E. Human (Homo sapiens) Responses to the Pig (Sus scrofa) Sex Pheromone 5 Alpha-androst-16-en-3-one. Journal of Comparative Psychology. 98:(2) 219-222 1984.
Monte, W.C. Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health. Journal of Applied Nutrition. 36:(1) 42-54 1984.
Ashoor,S.H., Monte, W.C. Retention of Vitamin C in Processed Foods. Journal of Applied Nutrition. 36:(2) 154-159 1985
Ashoor, S.H., Monte, W.C. and J. Welty. Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Ascorbic Acid in Food . Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 67:(1) 78-80, 1984.
Keck, B. and Monte,W.C. Effects of Lignin on Vitamin A Absorption in Rats. Journal of Applied Nutrition. 35:(2) 73-79 1983.
Monte, W.C., West, D. The Compatibility of Expanded Polystyrene Containers for Microwave Cooking . Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 83:(3) 323-327 1983.
Mutagenicity of Two Non-Formaldehyde Forming Antimicrobial Agents. Monte, W.C., Ashoor, S.H. and B.J. Lewis, Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology. 21:(5) 695- 697 1983.
Mutagenicity of Commercial Caramels. Ashoor, S.H. and W.C. Monte, Cancer Letters, 18:(1) 187-190 1983.
Ashoor S.H. and W.C. Monte,HPLC Determination of Bifidobacterium Bifidum Growth Factors in Human Milk. Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 66:(1) 135-139 1983.
Ashoor, S.H., Seperich, G.J., Monte, W.C. and J. Welty,HPLC Determination of Riboflavin in Eggs and Dairy Products . Journal of Food Science, 48:(1) 92-94 1983.
Ashoor, S.H., Seperich, G.J., Monte, W.C. and J. WeltyHPLC Determination of Caffeine in Decaffeinated Coffee, Tea and Beverage Products. , Journal of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists, 66:(3) 606-609 1983.
Monte, W.C. Lack of Gut Absorption of Solubilized Polystyrene by the Rat. Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry, 31:(1) 174-175 1983.
Monte, W.C.The Gastro Intestinal Clearance of 14C Polystyrene as Influenced by addition of Cellulose, Bran and Psyllium to the Rat Diets. Journal of Applied Nutrition, 34:(2) 74-90 1982.
Monte,W.C. Rest Easy, Lemon-Tea Drinkers. New England Journal of Medicine, 306:2(5) 1554-1555 1982. This material featured in The New York Times SCIENCE WATCH (6/29/82.)
Monte,W.C. West,D Solubility of Polystyrene in Certain Vegetable Oils, Essential Oils and Their Constituents. Journal of Food Science, 46:(6) 1832-1835 1982.
Monte W.C. Vaughan L. An Outline of "Fiber" Analysis Techniques; Journal of Applied Nutrition, 34:(1) 46-62 1982.
Monte,W.C., Maga, J.A. Flavor Chemistry of Sucrose, Sugar Technology Reviews, 8:(3) 181-204 1982.
MonteW.C., Fiber: It's Nutritional Impact, Journal of Applied Nutrition, 33:(1) 63-103 1981.
Monte,W.C., Maga, J.A. Extraction and Isolation of Soluble and Insoluble Fiber Fractions from the Pinto Bean (Phaseolus Vulgaris); Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 27:1169-1174, 1980.
Maga J.A. MonteW.C. The Effect of Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) on Amino Acid and Carbohydrate Concentrations During Heating; Lebensmitt-Wiss. U. Technol. 10:139-140 1977.
Maga J.A. MonteW.C. Influence of Various Storage and Processing Variables on Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) Dimer Production; Lebensmitt-Wiss. U. Technol. 10:102-105 1977.
Jansen G.R.,MonteW.C. Amino Acid Fortification of Bread Fed at Varying Energy Levels During Gestation and Lactation; ; Journal of Nutrition, 107:(2) 300-309 1977.
Monte,W.C., Maga, J.A. Stability of Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) in Water Under Stresses of Sterilization; W. Monte, J. Maga; Journal of Food Science. 38: 898-900 1973.
US Patents:
1 7,101,565 Probiotic/prebiotic composition and delivery method
2 6,423,354 Low pH antimicrobial food composition from total milk protein and process of manufacturing
3 6,274,141 Enzymatic dietary treatment for hydrolyzing BSA
4 6,051,270 Liquid amino acid nutritional composition
5 6,039,988 Laminated baked product and method of making the same
6 5,948,452 Process for producing low pH by-products from waste products of cheese production
7 5,942,264 Ice cream containing a lactose enzyme composition and method
8 5,810,018 Method, composition and apparatus for reducing the incidence of cigarette smoking
9 5,789,008 Ice cream sandwich and method of making the same
10 5,707,843 Lactose enzyme compositions and method
11 5,614,241 Low pH antimicrobial food composition
12 5,603,936 Process for removing light absorbing compounds from epidermal plant cells
13 5,578,336 Confection carrier for vitamins, enzymes, phytochemicals and method of making
14 5,512,598 Dietary vaccine for inhibiting metabolism of methanol
15 5,424,299 Composition and method for rejuvenating enteral feeding tubes
16 5,389,391 Low pH antimicrobial food composition
17 5,380,752 Method for preventing oxidation of steroid alcohols in cells, lipoproteins, and chylomicrons
18 5,156,875 Stabilized antimicrobial food composition
19 5,141,758 Method for extending life of vitamin C in drink
20 4,931,432 Dietary vaccine for inhibiting metabolism of methanol
21 4,931,300 Antimicrobial food composition
22 4,834,981 Dietary vaccine for inhibiting metabolism of methanol
Selected Presentations :
CBS Evening News with Dan Rather. Interview debating the Potential Health Hazards of Aspartame. 1/84
Potential Health Hazards of Aspartame. Presented to members of the Arizona Bureau of Environmental Hygiene and Sanitation, Arizona Department of Health Services. 10/21/83
Aspartame Interview with Kim Hawkins Channel 10, resulting in a feature on the evening news. (Tape available) 10/19/83
The Health Ramifications of Aspartame Use. Presented to the Central Arizona Dietetic Association. Attendance 100- 150. 9/22/83
Interview on "New Scope" concerning the safety of Aspartame. Viewed locally on Channel 12 and nationally in 85 markets. (Tape available) 9/19/83
Interview with Dick Krantz, Channel 5, WTTG, Washington D.C. Viewed as part of a five part series concerning the safety of Aspartame in the Washington metropolitan area. 9/1/83
Radio Interview, Ted Lauderback Show, WIND Chicago, Talk Show with questions from audience, time 2 hours. 7/9/83
A Plea to Limit the use of Sulfiting Agents by the Food Industry. At a special meeting for Industrial Food Scientists at the annual Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans. Sponsored by the Hoffmann-La Roche Company, New Jersey. Attendance 70 6/21/83
High Performance Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Ascorbic Acid in Foods. Presented at the annual meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, LA, 6/83.
Quantitation of Major Organic Acids in Fermented Food Products. Presented at the annual meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists, New Orleans, LA, 6/83.
Alternatives to Sulfiting Agents for Food Preservation. Presented to members of the staff of the Arizona State Department of Health. (Soon afterwards Arizona accepted the Federal guidelines to control exposure to Sulfiting agents) 3/83
"60 Minutes" Interview concerning Sulfiting Agents with Harry Reasoner. 10/29/82
Petition for Amending Food Additive Regulations Governing the use of Sulfiting Agents. Presented at a News Conference held in the RayburnBuilding at the Nations Capitol in conjunction with the Center for Science in the Public Interest. 70-100 members of the Washington Press Corps attended. Resulted in the development of FDA guidelines to control human contact with Sulfiting Agents 10/29/82
Editorial Activities :
1983-1993 Member of the Editorial Board
Journal of Applied Nutrition
ISSN NO.0021-8960
Reviews and abstracts in the following:
Nutrition Abstracts and Reviews
Biological Agricultural Index
Chemical Abstracts Service
Excerpta Medica, Index Medicus
Russian Nutrition Science Journal
1992-2002 Reviewer for The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry .
1994-1999 Ad Hoc reviewer for the journal Marine Mammal Science
Professional Consultations :
1.Corpak Med Systems
2.Protein Technologies International
3.Planitary Design Corp.
4.Consultant Roster AIBS American Institute of Biological Sciences. Washington DC
5.The Thermetics Co.
Professional Memberships
Certified Nutrition Specialist AIN
Registered Dietitian, The American Dietetic Association.
430 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Illinois .
Professional Member, The Institute of Food Technologists.
221 North LaSalle Street, Chicago, Illinois .
Sessions Committee - for 1982 annual meeting.
Professional Member, American Chemical Society
Fellow, InternationalCollege of Applied Nutrition.
La Habra, California.
Member, Society of Cosmetic Chemists, New York, N.Y.
Judicial Associate, American Bar Association.
Emeritus Member, American Association for the Advancement of Science
Community Services:
Founding Member of the Arizona Chapter of the American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition ASPEN.
Chair of the Continuing Education Committee for the above 1989-90.
Nominate for Dean’s Distinguished Teaching Award 1998
Member Scientific Advisory Board of the Thermetics Co.
Fellow, International College of Applied Nutrition 1991
Chair of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Nutritional Foods Association 1989
Nominated by the Council for International Exchange of Scholars for a Senior Fulbright Lecturing Award 1985